English Lesson Quiz: Prepositions

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English Quiz #7

Challenge your knowledge of English prepositions with this amazing quiz.

1 / 10

I’ll see you ____ home, mom.

2 / 10

Carl was visiting a friend ____ the hospital.

3 / 10

I can wait ____ 11 a.m., then I’ll have to leave.

4 / 10

I twisted my wrist, then my friends had to take notes ____ me.

5 / 10

She’s probably spent the whole weekend ____ the phone.

6 / 10

She responded to his yelling at her ____ throwing a tantrum.

7 / 10

My sister lives ____ Ohio.

8 / 10

Douglas is named ____ his grandfather.

9 / 10

Donna and Mark have been married ____ thirty-five years.

10 / 10

They usually go to school ____ foot.

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