English Lesson Quiz: Phrasal verbs

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English Quiz #14

Do you know everything about phrasal verbs? Test your knowledge by taking this challenging quiz. 

1 / 10

He’s a single dad who ____ three kids on his own.

2 / 10

Can you ____ this form and sign it at the end, please?

3 / 10

If you realized you have committed a mistake, don’t panic. Just keep calm and ____.

4 / 10

Several hospitals closed due to the government’s decision to ____ back on spending on health care.

5 / 10

Sometimes we have to ____ very difficult people at the office.

6 / 10

They don’t ____ each other. They’re constantly fighting about absolutely everything.

7 / 10

It’s so weird. Nobody really knows why they ____. They seemed so in love.

8 / 10

The thieves ____ and stole their phones.

9 / 10

I’m glad the quarantine ____ now.

10 / 10

True or False. Phrasal verb carry out means to perform a task, to conduct or implement something.

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