English Lesson Quiz: Idioms related to work

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English Quiz #45

Teste seus conhecimentos sobre expressões em língua inglesa relacionados ao tema "work."

1 / 10

If you keep working like a ....., you will have burnout.

2 / 10

Which idiom means that you have accomplished a significant amount of work in a day?

3 / 10

Which idiom means to work extremely hard?

4 / 10

Which idiom means that something is not worth the effort or time required to do it?

5 / 10

To go up the career ladder, one should be ready to go the extra ...

6 / 10

When I first started at the company, I was just a receptionist, but I  ________ to become a manager.

7 / 10

Complete the idiom: "Burn the midnight ..."

8 / 10

Which idiom means to put in extra effort to achieve a goal?

9 / 10

Which idiom means to start at a low level and gradually advance to a higher position?

10 / 10

Which idiom means that you are doing something you love, even if it requires a lot of effort and hard work?

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