English Lesson Quiz: Harry Potter vocabulary

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English Quiz #47

Teste seus conhecimentos sobre vocabulário da saga "Harry Potter."

1 / 10

What is a "Horcrux" in the Harry Potter series?

2 / 10

Which magical sport is played on broomsticks in the Harry Potter series?

3 / 10

In the Harry Potter series, what is the term for the magical process of changing one object into another?

4 / 10

What is the term for a thin, magical instrument used to channel and control magic in the Harry Potter series?

5 / 10

What does the term "Muggle" refer to in the Harry Potter series?

6 / 10

What is the term for a positive force that takes the shape of an animal and is conjured to ward off Dementors in the Harry Potter series?

7 / 10

Which magical creature guards the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

8 / 10

What is the purpose of a "Polyjuice Potion"?

9 / 10

Which magical ability allows a person to instantly teleport from one location to another in the Harry Potter series?

10 / 10

What is an "Auror" in the Harry Potter series?

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