English Lesson Quiz: Grammar review

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English Quiz #16

Is your English really up to standards? Take this mind-blowing quiz and check it out.

1 / 10

I wish you ________ swear so often in front of the children.

2 / 10

I asked mom about the incident, but she _____ a word.

3 / 10

You should stop _________ before you get sick.

4 / 10

I am not such a fan of the DC movies.


5 / 10

If I were you, I __________ him the truth.

6 / 10

The bathroom floor is all wet. Who ______ a shower?

7 / 10

We've been shopping the whole day, ________ is very tiring for me.

8 / 10

You were there at the party last night, _________?

9 / 10

Seldom _____ anything sadder.

10 / 10

Carla ______ him with my wife. She was with me the whole evening.

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