English Lesson Quiz: Animal Farm

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English Quiz #26

Test your knowledge about the book "Animal Farm", by George Orwell

1 / 10

Complete the commandment: "All animals are equal, but some are ..."

2 / 10

How does Napoleon get rid of Snowball?

3 / 10

Which historical event is being satirized in Animal Farm?

4 / 10

Who first introduces the idea of humans as enemies?

5 / 10

What happens to the pigs at the end of the story?

6 / 10

Who is responsible for convincing the animals to believe in Napoleon?

7 / 10

How many commandments are there in Animal Farm?

8 / 10

Which animals are able to read and write?

9 / 10

Who become the leaders of the revolution?

10 / 10

Which of these animals betray the revolution?

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