Curiosities about the month of March

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Take our quiz and find out curiosities about the month of March!

1 / 10

How many days are there in March?

2 / 10

When is Barbie’s official birthday?

3 / 10

What is the birth flower of March?

4 / 10

What colour is ST. Patrick’s day associated?

5 / 10

What St. is celebrated on March 17th?

6 / 10

_________ became the capital of Australia on 12th March 1913.

7 / 10

_________ starts in March.

8 / 10

March used to be the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.

9 / 10

It's the only month with three consecutive consonants in its name in English.

10 / 10

March is named after Mars, the Roman god of _______.

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